About Robert
My Story
Having written a collection of stories it becomes apparent the motivation remains constant as the inspirations and influences manifesting in the artistry are plucked from the palette of daily life. For me the motivation was always human. The children, the grandchildren, the community at large, but even as important to me as it is to those there is a generational force that propels me to find my voice and deliver my message, hearing the universe, hearing our ancestors, and delivering light to life. Quiet yourself. Can you hear where you are needed?

Personal Life
Robert McGuiness was born on February 8, 1954 in Bayshore, New York. He was the second oldest of five born to Margaret Jean Reidy McGuiness and Robert Eugene McGuiness. He attended school in Smithtown, New York and graduated from Smithtown High School in 1972. Satisfying a natural wonderlust he ended up in Arizona and after working through a winter backpacked in Arizona and then through the Sierra Nevada logging over a thousand mountainous miles. At the end of 1976 he returned to the west coast and has made Northern California home ever since. Living remotely and off the grid, he gained great satisfaction in being a part of “The Back To The Land” movement. He has two children, Jewel and Bob. Unfortunately their mother, Sandra was killed in an accident with a log truck in 1987. Bob was in the vehicle and before he was 21 months old was severely injured. Comatose with blood in the ventricles he was flown to San Francisco. He was hospitalized for several months and before he could sit we returned to the north coast. We moved into town and started a rigorous routine of therapy and rehabilitation. He developed seizures and had surgeries and braces throughout his formative years. Richard, his brother lived with them during those difficult times and was a tireless advocate for Bob. He developed lung cancer and remained in character until his passing in 2007.
Thirty seven years later Bob still lives at home, with Marbles and his Dad, and though there are physical residuals he manages quite well. Jewel has blessed us with three grandchildren, and she and her family continue to make the north coast home.
Currently he is involved with an oak woodland restoration project. He is an associate member of The Josephine Porter Institution for Applied Bio-dynamics, and a member of the North American Lily Society. He enjoys music and has recently taken up piano. Always taking notes, then, when time allows…he writes.